This week's show features an interview with Sandra Higgins, the founder and director of Eden Farmed Animal Sanctuary and the Go Vegan World campaign.
Go Vegan World is an animal rights advocacy organization that educates the public about animal rights and promotes veganism. The advertisements have appeared on billboards and other places in Ireland, the UK, and Toronto. As stated on Go Vegan World's website, the campaign "is animal focused in nature and seeks complete cessation of animal use by humans." It is a truly excellent campaign.
Sandra spoke to me about the experience that led her to decide to go vegan, the animals who inspired the Go Vegan World campaign, the impact the campaign has had so far, and importance of remembering that veganism is about animal rights. Please visit to learn more about veganism, and to read the stories of the animals who live at the sanctuary.
Here are some photographs of Go Vegan World's advertisements:
Go Vegan World is an animal rights advocacy organization that educates the public about animal rights and promotes veganism. The advertisements have appeared on billboards and other places in Ireland, the UK, and Toronto. As stated on Go Vegan World's website, the campaign "is animal focused in nature and seeks complete cessation of animal use by humans." It is a truly excellent campaign.
Sandra spoke to me about the experience that led her to decide to go vegan, the animals who inspired the Go Vegan World campaign, the impact the campaign has had so far, and importance of remembering that veganism is about animal rights. Please visit to learn more about veganism, and to read the stories of the animals who live at the sanctuary.
Here are some photographs of Go Vegan World's advertisements:
As usual, the animal rights news is at the beginning of the show.
After the interview, I also announced my decision to take the Liberation Pledge. To learn more about the Liberation Pledge, you can visit
How to listen to this episode
There are two ways to listen to the episode.
1. Listen to the episode on CKCU's website at In this version, the song "Just Like Us" was faded out about half-way through the song.
2. Download the mP3 file from (in the "Download Options" sidebar, do a right-mouse click on "VBR MP3" and click "Save Link As..." or "Save Target As...") at This podcast version contains the song "Just Like Us" in its entirety.
The next episode of Always for Animal Rights will air on CKCU 93.1 FM in Ottawa on Wednesday, September 11, 2019-- and, of course, it will be available to listen to afterwards, as well.
What a fantastic interview...thank you!