Wednesday, 25 March 2020

Episode 20: Interview with Sandra Higgins of Eden Farmed Animal Sanctuary (Part Two)

Sophie the lamb with Sandra
This week's show features Part Two of my interview with Sandra Higgins, founder and director of Eden Farmed Animal Sanctuary in Ireland and Go Vegan World. (If you haven't heard Part One yet, you can find it here.)

This interview focuses on Eden Farmed Animal Sanctuary in Ireland. Eden is a vegan sanctuary that provides a home for nonhuman animals who were previously exploited by humans. Eden's residents can live out the rest of their lives in peace, free from exploitation.

In Part Two, we discuss the following topics:
  • how Eden, as a vegan sanctuary, differs from non-vegan sanctuaries
  • what Sandra has learned from the individuals who live at Eden
  • the importance of  sanctuaries in the animal rights movement
  • how Eden's residents inspired the Go Vegan World campaign
  • ... and more!

After the interview is the song "The Core" by the vegan singer-songwriter Queen V.

Here are some more photos of Eden's residents, courtesy of Agatha Kisiel Photography...

Angel in a Go Vegan World advertisement


Fairy in one of Go Vegan World's advertisements


Maria with Genevieve behind her


How to listen to this episode

There are two ways you can hear this episode.
  1. Listen to the podcast on CKCU FM's website at Currently, the radio show hosts at CKCU 93.1 FM are not physically going to the station because of the coronavirus, so I was not able to broadcast this episode on the radio this week, but I did upload it to the website as a podcast.
  2. Listen to or download the podcast from at
You can also find Always for Animal Rights on Facebook and Instagram.

Until next time!

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